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Product Code: P212883
KSh. 38,800

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Key Highlights

• Transparent shelves
•128 litres
•Direct Cool technology
•Double door fridge
•120W rating
•Freezer door compartment


Height - 127cm

width - 45cm

Depth - 49cm

Minimum deposit
Payment period
Pay at your own pace
No extra fees
0% interest rates
Pick up or delivery
AFTER full payment

A perfect fit for small households, this Ramtons double door refrigerator comes with a stylish exterior and great features. Powered by our Direct Cool technology, this appliance ensures the circulation of cool air via natural convection throughout the refrigerator. With a hardtop and glass shelves, it is ideal for storing vegetables, fruits, milk, cheese and other essential food items. This refrigerator is CFC-free which makes it an eco-friendly choice. The spacious 128 litre capacity makes it a compact and practical option for any modern kitchen.

How to order on the website

  • On your selected item, click on the Click to order / Add to Cart button
  • Enter your name, phone number and email address
  • Enter the amount you want to pay. We accept a minimum of KSh.100 on all items
  • Click on the Proceed to Pay button
  • You'll be prompted to enter your M-Pesa pin to pay automatically
  • If you don't receive the prompt, follow the steps sent to you on SMS to activate your booking
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